Progress Report: St. Paul’s Stabilization
Progress Report: St. Paul’s Stabilization
[August 20, 2020]: Walter Beal, project executive for CNY Construction, has provided
the Board of Trustees with a report on St. Paul's stabilization progress, as well as a 30-
day look ahead. Among the highlights of the report: Talty Construction fully completed
its contract work for the St. Paul's window protection, plus an additional $18,000 change
order for additional windows, and Dom's Lawnmaker, Inc. also completed its contract
work on ivy removal.
Sixty windows were included in the original bid; once crews got closer to the building
during vine removal, it was discovered that an additional 49 windows needed attention.
Several factors accounted for the addition – the drone wasn’t helpful in identifying
broken windows; building architecture didn’t lend itself to viewing all angles of the
building and the windows from the ground level; several windows were intact but the
wood frames were rotted; and other windows were obscured behind the ivy. Trustees
recently adopted a $57,400 maintenance bond that guarantees for 18 months the
completed work sealing the windows.
Ivy removal at St. Paul’s began Monday, July 20. This particular portion of the St. Paul's
work took longer than anticipated because the first two low bidders the Board awarded
this contract to both had to withdraw due to their inability to meet the insurance
requirements that are identified in the bid specifications they responded to. To get a
closer look at the overgrown ivy and broken windows, visit the Village website,, and click on the St. Paul’s tab on the left side of the homepage
for a very close up view of the building via drones.
With regard to stained glass window removal and storage, CNY is writing the bid
specification to get this final piece of the St. Paul's stabilization moving ahead.