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EPOA to Hold BOE Candidate Meet & Greet and Resident Elector Vote

In this upcoming election for School Board Trustee, it is critical to understand the Community Agreement as a means of nominating candidates who will stand for election in the May 17, 2022 Village Election to follow.  Historically,  the respective nominating committee for each POA have interviewed and put forth a candidate to move forward.  On occasion, in the event of a challenge or resignation,  a run - off election/primary has been necessary to set forth a candidate in accordance with the Community Agreement and Unified Procedure.   As is the case herein, in light of Mr. Cassaro’s recent resignation, the EPOA has been called upon to act as a neutral third party, to fund and run a primary as a service to its Resident Electors.   To do so timely, the  EPOA process has shifted from a committee straight to a primary with the Resident Electors’ vote as a means to nominate one candidate from the East to stand for election at the general Village Election and fill the remaining two-years of the vacated term.  

Last week, the EPOA held a Town Hall discussion with potential East Board of Education Candidates, Mr. Niten Jaiswal and Mr. Joe Sileo.  On Saturday, April 2nd, the EPOA will host a Meet & Greet for residents to once again meet the candidates.  The event will take place from 9:30-11am on Seventh Street between Dunkin Donuts and French Workshop.  Please stop by to meet Mr. Jaiswal and Mr. Sileo and ask them any questions you may have.  Donuts and Cookies will be provided by the EPOA, so feel free to bring your children as well.   

“Resident Electors of the East” are persons over the age of 18 who reside within the Incorporated  Village of Garden City, east of the middle line of Franklin Avenue, and who are eligible to vote in a Village primary.   Resident Electors need not be dues paying members of the EPOA.   While formal voter registration with the Board of Elections is required to sign Petitions and to vote in the general Village Election in March and May, for purposes of the upcoming primary, any Resident Elector may cast a ballot.   As such, if the Resident Elector is not otherwise eligible to vote in a Village, State or Federal election then proof of  residency with photo identification will be required and must be brought to the primary in order to cast a vote.

The Primary for Board of Education Trustee will be held April 5, 2022 at the Senior Center located at 6 Golf Club Lane.   The polls will be open from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. 

The 2022 EPOA Membership Drive is underway. East residents are invited to join for $20 for 1 year of membership or $40 for 2 years of membership. Dues may be paid by check, PayPal (go to www.gcepoa.org), or through Venmo (@GCEPOA). As a reminder, the EPOA consists of all volunteers but does have ongoing communication-related expenses. Thank you for your support.  To learn more about the EPOA, membership benefits, upcoming events, and news concerning the East, you may visit us at our website (www.gcepoa.org), on Facebook/Twitter.