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From the Village Public Works: Concrete Replacement Work on John, Chestnut Streets

John Street – St. James Street North to Stewart Avenue - Road Work Ahead (RWA) will begin concrete replacement on John Street. The contractor will resume where they left off on the northeast corner of John Street and St. James Street North. If you are a homeowner that has received a notice and your apron is scheduled to be replaced, please remove your car from your driveway before 8:00 AM and park on the opposite side of the street.
Chestnut Street – St. James Street South to Clinton Road - Road Work Ahead (RWA) will begin concrete replacement on Chestnut Street. The contractor will begin on the west end of Chestnut Street, on the north side of the street. Work will progress towards the east, on the north side of the street. If you are a homeowner that has received a notice and your apron is scheduled to be replaced, please remove your car from your driveway before 8:00 AM and park on the opposite side of the street.
Temporary road closures may occur to allow work to be done.  Road will be accessible for emergency vehicles. This schedule is subject to change and is weather permitting.