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EPOA to Host Public Meeting on November 10th

The Eastern Property Owners’ Association (EPOA) will host a public meeting on Tuesday, November 10 at 7:30 p.m. at the Senior Center on Golf Club Lane. There will be updates from the East Trustees and EPOA Officers and Directors. Guest speaker, Bill Garry, President of the Garden City Historical Society will discuss the Society plans and programs. He will also discuss preservation in general. The meeting will provide residents the opportunity to raise other items of interest.

Based on NYS COVID protocols, there will be a limit of 50 attendees. Face masks must be worn and there will be a sign in-sheet for contact tracing.

The 2021 EPOA Membership Drive is now underway. East residents are invited to join for $20 for 1 year of membership or $40 for 2 years of membership. Dues may be paid through Venmo (@GCEPOA), PayPal (go to www.gcepoa.org and click on membership) or by check. As a reminder, the EPOA consists of all volunteers but does have ongoing communication-related expenses. Thank you for your support.

To learn more about the EPOA, how to become a member, upcoming events, and issues concerning the East, you may visit us at our website (www.gcepoa.org), on Facebook (search: “Garden City Eastern Property Owners’ Association”), and on Twitter (@GC_ EPOA).